Database Startups
The requirements to be on the list is that the company must fall in one of the two cases:
It is the developer of a proprietary database or storage product.
It is the main developing entity behind an open source database or storage project, and is focused as a company around that project.
And also be alive, or their product still supported if acquired. If it’s an OSS project largely developed by some company where their main product is something else (e.g. a project released by Baidu or LinkedIn), then it’s excluded from the scope. If it’s an OSS project with many equal contributors, that’s amazing for OSS, but this list is focusing on companies and not technology. If it’s a DBaaS company which just provides RDS-like hosting, but does no further development of and around the product, then it too is excluded. Also no ledger/blockchain.
The categorizations are clearly subjective. I’m aware that some companies fit into more than one category, some companies belong in their own category, etc. This mostly exists as doesn’t give a similarly easy way to filter and sort by some arbitrary sense of category, and has a narrower definition of database than what I’m interested in. Some companies pivoted to a database offering, and so the data is either their founding as a database company, or the first release of their database product.
OLTP/RDBMS Server/Hosted/Serverless
CrystalDB (2022)
Nile (2022) — niledatabase/niledatabase
Neon (2021) — neondatabase/neon
Turso (2021)
SQLite Cloud (2021)
Xata (2020)
Supabase (2020)
Acquired Oriole, itself also founded 2020
Planetscale (2018)
Develops and commercializes Vitess, which was started in YouTube in 2010.
HeteroDB (2017) — heterodb/pg-strom
Hopsworks (2017)
Develops and offers hosted RonDB
ProxySQL (2016)
Crunchy Data (2012)
Citus (2010) — Acquired by Microsoft in 2019
MariaDB (2010)
Develops and supports MariaDB, which forked from MySQL in 2009.
SAP (2010)
SAP was founded in 1972. SAP HANA is their database, released in 2010.
Volt Active Data (2009) — formerly VoltDB
VistaDB (2007)
Percona (2006)
EnterpriseDB (2004)
Acquired by Green Hill partners in 2019, then Bain Capital in 2022.
Kingbase (1999)
FairCom (1979)
Oracle (1977)
CedarDB (2023)
MatrixOrigin (2021) — matrixorigin/matrixone
Timescale (2017) — timescale/timescaledb
YugabyteDB (2016) — yugabyte/yugabyte-db
PingCAP (2015) — pingcap/tidb
CockroachDB (2014) — cockroachdb/cockroach
SequoiaDB (2011)
SingleStore (2011) — Formerly MemSQL
NuoDB (2010) — Acquired by 3DS
LeanXcale (2010)
Mooncake Labs (2024)
DuckDB-in-Postgres via Mooncake-Labs/pg_mooncake
TableSpace (2024)
Bemi Technologies (2023) — BemiHQ/BemiDB
Polars (2023) — pola-rs/polars
ParadeDB (2023)
DuckDB-in-Postgres via paradedb/pg_analytics
MotherDuck (2022)
VeloDB (2022) — Built on Apache Doris
Splitgraph (2022) — Acquired by EDB
Datafusion-in-Postgres via splitgraph/seafowl
StarRocks (2021) — StarRocks/StarRocks
VoltronData (2021)
MyScale (2021) — Fork of ClickHouse
ClickHouse (2021) — ClickHouse/ClickHouse
ClickHouse started as a project in 2009. The company was founded in 2021.
DataPelago (2021)
Hydra (2021)
DuckDB-in-Postgres via duckdb/pg_duckdb
PieCloudDB (2021)
SelectDB (2021) — Built on Apache Doris
Databend (2021) — databendlabs/databend
Oxla (2020)
StarTree (2020)
Develops and commercializes Apache Pinot
e6data (2020)
Tinybird (2019) — Hosted++ ClickHouse
Firebolt (2019)
CheetahDB (2018)
DuckDB (2018) — duckdb/duckdb
Starburst (2017)
Developers of Trino, which forked in 2019 from PrestoDB, itself released 2013.
HashData (2016)
Open sourced as CloudBerryDB in 2023 — apache/cloudberry
Oushu (2016) — Fork of Apache HAWQ
Ocient (2016)
Imply Data (2015)
Develops and commercializes Apache Druid
Dremio (2015)
Yellowbrick (2014)
Vitesse Data (2014) — Fork of Greenplum
Brytlyt (2013)
HEAVY.AI (2013) — Formerly MapD
Acquired by Opensignal in 2024
Databricks (2013)
Snowflake (2012)
SQream Technologies (2010)
Kinetica (2009)
Cloudera (2008)
Originally offered commercial Hadoop, and later Impala and Kudu.
XtremeData (2005)
Vertica (2005)
Acquired by HP in 2011, Micro Focus in 2017, then OpenText in 2023.
Greenplum (2003)
Exasol (2000)
Teradata (1979)
Endatabas (2023)
Fireproof Storage (2022)
Sneller (2021)
Stately (2021)
FerretDB (2021)
XTDB (2018)
- (2017)
HarperDB (2017)
Coretex AG (2014)
FaunaDB (2012)
Couchbase (2010)
Exist Solutions (2010) — ExistDB, which was started in 2000
Hibernating Rhinos (2009) — RavenDB
Acquired by IBM in 2014.
MongoDB (2007) — mongodb/mongo
MarkLogic (2001)
Nexedi (2005)
Company founded in 2005. Develops NEO, a fork(?) of ZODB.
FalkorDB (2023) — Fork of RedisGraph
ArcadeDB (2021) — Fork of OrientDB
OrientDB was founded in 2012, acquired by CallidusCloud in 2017, itself acquired by SAP in 2018. SAP dropped support in 2021, so founder started ArcadeDB to continue OrientDB.
RageDB (2021)
NeuroDB (2020)
Ultipa (2019)
TerminusDB (2019)
Dgraph (2016)
Memgraph (2016)
Bitnine (2013) — AgensGraph
LambdaZen (2013) — lambdazen/bitsy
Galaxybase (2013)
TigerGraph (2012)
VelocityDB (2011)
Dydra (2011)
Sparsity Technologies (2010)
Spin-off from the Data Management group at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain.
Neo4j (2007)
Cambridge Semantics (2007) — AnzoGraph
Acquired by Altair in 2024.
BlazeGraph (2006) — Acquired by Amazon in 2022
Stardog (2005)
OntoText was founded in 2000. They first released OWLIM in 2004, which was renamed to GraphDB.
Franz (2004)
Develops AllegraGraph. Franz was founded in 1984, and also does their Allegro CL common lisp support.
OpenObserve (2022)
GrepTimeDB (2022)
ReductStore (2021)
CnosDB (2021)
Polar Signals (2020)
Continuous profiling and not actually timeseries
is embedded columnar database, like DuckDB
Chronosphere (2019)
Provides support for and develops M3DB, which itself began in 2014 within Uber.
QuestDB (2019)
Development started in 2014, company wasn’t formed until 2019.
VictoriaMetrics (2018)
DolphinDB (2016)
SiriDB (2016)
Grafana Labs (2014)
Largely working on visualizations, but also develop grafana/mimir
Warp10 (2013)
InfluxData (2012)
DB4IoT (2010)
QuasarDB (2009)
Quickwit (2021)
Meilisearch (2018)
Manticore Search (2017)
A fork of Sphinx Search
OnceDB (2016) — For
Typesense (2016)
Algolia (2012)
Elastic (2012)
Splunk (2003)
SpiralDB (2023) — Multi-model analytics
Polypheny (2022) — Multi-model
TigerBeetle (2022) — Financial
Dragonfly (2021) — Redis
Surreal (2021) — Multi-model
AuthZed (2020) — Authorization
EvitaDB (2020) — E-commerce
Dolthub (2018) — Git-like MySQL
CodeNotary (2018) — ImmuDB immutable database
EdgeDB (2018) — Object
MagicStack founded in 2008. Developed Caos ORM. Database first released in 2018.
TileDB (2017) — Array
YottaDB (2017) — Embedded Key-Value
TypeDB (2016) — Multi-model
Unsure precisely. They use "polymorphic" and "Enhanced Entity-Relationship". It supports graph and document-style queries though.
ArangoDB (2015) — Multi-model
CrateDB (2013) — Multi-model
Datomic (2012) — Datalog "datomic facts"
ScyllaDB (2012) — Wide column. (Cassandra-compatible)
Redis (2011)
Redis hosting from 2011-2015. Redis creator joined in 2015, left in 2020. Now leads development of Redis.
DataStax (2010)
Contributes heavily to Cassandra, which is wide column with its own CQL.
Aerospike (2009) — Key-Value
Hazelcast (2008) — Key-Value
Hatchet (2023)
S2 (2023)
WarpStream (2023)
AutoMQ (2022)
Momento (2021)
Redpanda (2019) — redpanda-data/redpanda
Confluent (2014) — Kafka, which was released in 2011
84codes (2012)
Hosted RabbitMQ and cloudamqp/lavinmq
RabbitMQ (2007)
Rabbit Technologies Ltd. was acquired by Spring Source/VMWare in 2010, then by Pivotal in 2013, which itself was acquired by VMWare in 2019.
(Stateful) Streaming
Feldera (2023)
RisingWave (2023) — risingwavelabs/risingwave
Arroyo (2022) — ArroyoSystems/arroyo
TimePlus (2021) — timeplus-io/proton
EMQ (2021)
EMQ was founded in 2012, and released HStreamDB in 2021.
DeltaStream (2020)
Materialize (2019) — MaterializeInc/materialize
ReadySet (2019)
EventStoreDB (2019)
Veverica (2014)
Develops and commercializes Apache Flink. Acquired by Alibaba in 2019.
AI and Vectors
DeployQL (2024) — DeployQL/LintDB
turbopuffer (2023)
MegaPortal (2023) — CloseVector
InfiniFlow (2023)
Vespa (2023)
Vespa was opensourced by Yahoo in 2017. Company founded around it in 2023.
LanceDB (2022) — lancedb/lancedb
Marqo (2022)
FeatureBase (2022)
Founded as Molecula in 2017. Released FeatureBase in 2022.
PostgresML (2022)
Chroma (2022) — chroma-core/chroma
Qdrant (2021) — qdrant/qdrant
Spice AI (2021)
Weaviate (2019) — weaviate/weaviate
Pinecone (2019)
ApertureData (2018) — Vectors & Image/Video/Document
FeatureForm (2017)
Zilliz (2017) — milvus-io/milvus