Database Startups

The requirements to be on the list is that the company must fall in one of the two cases:

  1. It is the developer of a proprietary database or storage product.

  2. It is the main developing entity behind an open source database or storage project, and is focused as a company around that project.

And also be alive, or their product still supported if acquired. If it’s an OSS project largely developed by some company where their main product is something else (e.g. a project released by Baidu or LinkedIn), then it’s excluded from the scope. If it’s an OSS project with many equal contributors, that’s amazing for OSS, but this list is focusing on companies and not technology. If it’s a DBaaS company which just provides RDS-like hosting, but does no further development of and around the product, then it too is excluded. Also no ledger/blockchain.

The categorizations are clearly subjective. I’m aware that some companies fit into more than one category, some companies belong in their own category, etc. This mostly exists as doesn’t give a similarly easy way to filter and sort by some arbitrary sense of category, and has a narrower definition of database than what I’m interested in. Some companies pivoted to a database offering, and so the data is either their founding as a database company, or the first release of their database product.

OLTP/RDBMS Server/Hosted/Serverless








(Stateful) Streaming

AI and Vectors

See discussion of this page on Reddit, HN, and lobsters.